About Sounding River Sound Walk

Join musician and sound artist Emma Welton and composer Karen Wimhurst for a short walk-through Salisbury River Park’s many sonic environments. Walking slowly, pausing frequently, you’ll open your ears fully to the changing symphony around you, noticing sounds of different trees, birds, people, and how different seasons, weather and terrain change what you hear. You will discover hidden sounds and even make your own. You'll remember or imagine the sounds of recent and distant past and consider the sounds of the future.

Group Sound Walks can be profoundly revelatory: walking in attentive quiet, in the safe company of others, is a rare experience.

Meet at the kingfisher painted on the mural at the Central Car Park toilet block.

Part of the Public Arts Programme for Salisbury River Park, curated by Studio Response in partnership with the Environment Agency, Wiltshire Council, and Salisbury City Council.

Dates & times